10 Ways for Couples to Advance Christ’s Kingdom Together

By Pastor Jon Mark Olesky

What does it mean to advance the Kingdom or join together on mission as a married couple?

When I say “advance the Kingdom,” I’m meaning some combination of obeying the “one another” commands, fulfilling the Creation Mandate, and Great commission. These are the missions the Lord has called us to, which overlap and intersect in Kingdom advancement.

Here are some biblical ways for couples to practice these things together and advance Christ’s Kingdom.

10 Ways for Couples to Advance Christ’s Kingdom

1. Pray together toward your shared Godward callings, and for others advancing Christs cause.

2. Serve the church together. Teaching a class, giving generously, greeting, cleaning, doing sound or video, preparing Communion, or 1,000 other practical ways to serve the church.

3. Raising godly offspring. family worship, diligently instruction, training, disciplining them in the ways of the Lord to be shot out as arrows for the Lord’s cause.

4. Homeschool/educate your kids together. One could argue this is part of #3, but I add separately because there are many unique opportunities for togetherness in this task. Even if you don’t homeschool, you can intentionally educate your kids together, with homework, projects, extracurriculars, etc.

5. Hospitality. Using your home to reach the lost and minister to the saints isn’t optional Christian ministry. It’s not a wife’s calling, both spouses play a role to do this well.

6. Encouraging one another to endure trials and suffering while keeping the hand to the plow. Parenting is hard, ministry is hard, loving Gods people if often hard. Mutual encouragement keeps the work moving forward.

7. Find a mercy ministry or evangelistic outreach to serve in together.

8. Be missionaries. Few things are harder or more rewarding. If not going, visiting to encourage/help missionaries short term.

9. Plant or pastor a church, the wife’s ministry to and with her husband and to the church is vital in these endeavors.

10. Become Biblical Counselors. Those who get trained and serve as Counselors together report the deep help it brings to their own marriage as they minister together as a couple.

Pastor Jon Mark Olesky